They are born white and develop unique patches of color at their feet, nose, and tail over time. We Are Working On Our First Book. However, for Siamese cats, the right retina shifts slightly towards the left, and the left retina shifts a little towards the right. Of addition, we know that these characteristics are … Why Do Cats Pee On Plastic - Reason For Concern. I wish that people realized that crossed eyes on a Siamese cat are a defect. Otherwise, one should not think much about this trait of the Siamese cat. The genes controlling the color of the fur also control the pathway of optic nerves. Siamese cats are meant to have blue eyes. Siamese kittens who are not cross-eyed are fortunate to not showcase the repercussions of massive breeding. Accept the cat however they are and love it in the best way possible. Contrary to what many believe, not all white cats are albino. This phenomenon is observed for white tigers as well. This is a birth defected, and has been sorted out over time by selective breeding. They possess many of the qualities that individuals look for in a dog while being significantly easier to care for. … They lend historical beauty. Paws, face, neck are the parts of Siamese cats where the temperature is lowest. Siamese cats are one of the oldest domesticated cat breeds in the world. These cases need special care from the owner as it is not inherited. A properly-socialized Siamese cat will likely be the friendliest cat you ever come across, cross-eyed or not. Siamese cats are extremely prone to have crossed eyes. Crossed-eyes hasn’t always been a feature that breeders have worked to eliminate. Considered to be one of the most elegant cat-breeds the world has ever known, the Siamese cat is a mystical-looking animal that will captivate any onlooker. If Prim Rose is eating and drinking well, doesn't seem to be having any neurologic problems otherwise, and it doing well, you should be fine to have her seen by your veterinarian in 5 weeks. It is said that Siamese breeders select against cross-eyed offspring; while this is true, the Siamese kitten’s genetic outcome is somewhat out of their control. Although these traits were undoubtedly the result of certain genetic factors, many legends offered alternate explanations for Siamese cats' interesting appearances. This can be seen in Traditional and Thai Siamese cats rather than the Modern Siamese, as the defect has been more carefully eliminated in the Modern Siamese variety. Cross-eyed Siamese cats make fun and playful companions; they almost always live healthy lives. Cross-eyed Siamese cats cross their eyes in order for their brain to receive a clear image of the world around them. To see straight and clearly, these affected cats need to cross their eyes, leading to the well-known appearance of a cross eyed Siamese cat. These issues can be seen from birth on. Much of our society, not exempting cat owners, is obsessed with appearance. 5- Curled Tail & Crossed Eyes. This is far less common today. While cats are known for having nine lives and always landing on their feet, accidents happen; both of my cats have gotten scratches and bumps on their heads during play. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your pets. Thanks to this trend, Siamese cats are common throughout North America, Europe, and Asia today. They are very smart and very devoted to their owners. Or at least Siamese cats used to have crooked tails. Before we dive into the reason behind the Siamese cat’s cross-eyed condition, we need to understand the unique genetic inheritance of albinism in them. This is not a disease, and these cats can live an otherwise normal life. Famous People have Owned Siamese Cats. But, it is a natural trait, and one should not worry about it. However, Siamese cat owners should be very attentive if the cat somehow exhibits this condition at later stages. Causes of Crossed Eyes in Cats The majority of convergent strabismus cases are due to genetics and are harmless to the cat. Chula had a litter of kittens, which all turned out with kinked tails and crossed eyes as well. These albino genes are responsible for the cross-eyed trait of Siamese cats. Cat Fancier Associations across the world promote normal-eyed Siamese cats and ask the breeders to stop producing cross-eyed cats. If you like our work please do us a favor. If the Siamese cat develops horizontal strabismus in later stages, one needs to take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. This condition does not only occur in Siamese cats but other species of true albino animals. This may be because their eyesight is not as good as other cats. Siamese Scooter holds the record as the world's oldest male cat, dying at the age of 30. A layer of the eye is missing, controlling the amount of light that reaches the retina. If you’re worried about your cross-eyed Siamese being unable to navigate your home as safely as you’d like, make sure your living space has plenty of room for your cat to run around and climb. Both of these defects are considered a charming trademark of the Traditional breed. However, this can happen due to a lot of reasons at later stages. While these genetic abnormalities were largely avoided by the breeders, it was once normal for Siamese cats to have crossed eyes and hooked tails. Although many legends associate the breed with crossed eyes, a squint is in fact now regarded as a breeding fault, and penalized in show cats. Crossed-eyes are fairly common amongst Siamese cats. However, at the turn of the 18th century, Thai aristocrats began gifting Siamese cats to visiting European dignitaries. Crossed eyes are actually caused by a condition known as Strabismus. Their eyes do not affect their qualify of life. At some point in time, there were two types of Siamese cats – the ancients’ Thai cat and the modern Siamese cat. This is why Siamese cats have crooked tails. As a result, this condition has become rare in modern Siamese cats. This is not a disease, and these cats can live an otherwise normal life. Why do Siamese cats have crossed eyes? This condition is called Strabismus in which the eyes fail to line up together in a straight line of vision. You should not worry if the Siamese cat has developed this condition early in life. While not all Siamese cross their eyes, the ones that do cross them intentionally. Because of this neurological issue, few Siamese is crossed eyes. Voice. A cross-eyed Siamese is so worth it. It’s very common in traditional Siamese cats or Apple heads, and causes the eyes to misalign. The structure of the eye, however, also causes a problem. Siamese cats are all partially albino. We are passionate cat owners and love raising our little tabby boy cat Harley. If the cat develops this condition abruptly, you need to take it to the veterinarian and check it as soon as possible. Crossed eyes are a feature to be amazed by; any owner who owns a cross-eyed Siamese can confirm that they would never wish for a straight-seeing cat. At least it used to be. When this condition manifests in adult cats it is most probably a sign of a serious eye condition that requires your vet’s attention. The crossed eyes so emblematic of the breed have also suffered the same fate. Kinked Tails and Crossed Eyes. In the past, crossed eyes seemed to occur more commonly in Siamese cats due to selective breeding. It is a problem that many individuals see a cross-eyed Siamese as lesser, or even imperfect, to their straight-seeing counterparts. Thai royalty saw the Siamese cat’s crossed eyes as something to be cherished and were careful not to eliminate this characteristic from the Siamese breed. If yes, the probably met the goofy bunch of Siamese cats. The cross-eyed variation of the Siamese cat is rare nowadays. The cross-eyed trait of Siamese cats is very natural for this breed. However, animal shelters often have regular Siamese cats if one wants to adopt cross-eyed, kinked tail Siamese cats. The crossed eyes of the Siamese cat developed naturally to compensate for a genetic flaw in their eye structure. This unique feature makes the Siamese cat even more loveable. Wondering why do Siamese cats have crossed eyes? Sometimes the condition can arise due to a virus. This is because they were bred for certain colorations and the eyes were a trait that came with the breeding. This condition causes the eyes to not line up with each other, and is a genetic condition. Particularly, it is more in some cats like Siamese, Persian and Himalayan cat breeds common in Boston Terriers due to genetics. Luckily, this genetic defect is not a defect; instead, it’s an adorable characteristic that is generally admired. As cat owners, we always have questions about why cats do the thing they do. Mar 25, 2019.” “Do Siamese cats have a tendency to be cross-eyed?” Yes. Given their extensive breeding history, Siamese cats are bound to harbor genetic mishaps such as crossed eyes or a kicked tail. Strabismus, or “crossed eyes,” is usually caused by an imbalance of extraocular (outside of the eye) muscle tone. Please Do not disregard advice from a professional veterinarian because of something you read here. When specific genotypes of the albino gene are present, cats are at a higher risk for visual complications, among other issues. Interestingly, many cat breeds are a descendant of the Siamese. Could You Please Leave Some Feedback? So, why do Siamese cats have crossed eyes? When the warmth of a body part goes below 100°F, it attains color. They also used to wrap the tail for extra security. Another of their defining characteristics is their voice. The eyes of Siamese cats have no pigments in both of the iris layers at all even when the other blue eye cat breeds have some of the pigmented cells in the lower layer called Epithelium. The scientific name of this condition is called strabismus, and cross-eyed cats have horizontal strabismus. We believe that Siamese cats can only see clearly by crossing their eyes. The color of the spots depends on the inherited gene. We are going to explain the reason in detail in the subsequent paragraphs. I have experience in pet training and behavior, sheltering, and currently working for a veterinary clinic. Swiftly, they developed the Modern Siamese cat; this Siamese has a wedge-shaped face, large ears, a lankier body, and usually, straight-staring eyes. Almost all of these Siamese cats had crossed eyes. The Siamese also has a higher … But now, it is only the sleek, distinctive, blue-eyed Siamese cats found all over the world. Well, while most of you must have encountered the same, not many may have pondered about why they look like this. A cat’s crossed eyes shouldn’t mean that the cat is an imperfection. As they were bred from the sacred cats of Siam, Siamese cats were originally only owned by Buddhist monks and royal families. Cat Fancier Associations across the world are condemning breeders from breeding cross-eyed, kinked tail Siamese cats, and as a result, it is much more common to find this variation in Thailand than in the west. Not only have Siamese cats dominated in the movie industry, most likely because they look so elegant and beautiful, but there have also been many famous celebrities who have owned Siamese cats. Is there any reason for worrying if my siamese cats have crossed eyes? The center of the retina is shifted for both eyes, causing them to naturally not see straight. This close-minded manner of viewing appearance—in that a beautiful pet reflects the value of its owner—most definitely bleeds over into other aspects of the human experience. Unlike many animals, cats have eyes pointing forward, like humans. This goes for both the appearance of themselves, their friends, their material possessions, and even their pets. They are all long and skinny, featuring a sleek coat with unique colorings such as seal point, blue point, lynx point, and purple point. Siamese cats are famous for their talkative nature, exquisite fur color, beautiful blue eyes. Crossed eyes that develop later in life are generally an outward sign for an internal problem. Presence of the albino gene results in decreased melanin in the retina, which is necessary for normal vision. So cat enthusiasts commonly believe that Siamese cats first originated in Thailand. They’ll have yellow, green, or rarely blue eyes, they’ll have a pink tongue and lips, and... Hi there, and welcome to FAQCats. Their eyes crossed because they watched the goblet day and night vehemently. We can’t be sure whether this is true, but we can always believe that our little feline friend is a descendent of some cats having such a crucial job. That is incorrect because breeders are breeding it out. But, it can be incredibly confusing when your cat decides to do their business on a strange... Why Do Cats Have Black Lips - Is This Normal? It can also be an effect of some nerve damage during pregnancy. (These characteristics are seen as faults nowadays and have largely been bred out of Siamese genes, so you don't come across them as often as you used to, but the stories are still fun.) On the contrary, it feels perfectly natural to them. However, one can find the original cross-eyed Siamese cats in Thailand and adjacent countries. Strabismus. Right now, the crossed eyes and kinked tail aren’t common traits for this old breed. Crossed eyes and hooked tails used to be standard characteristics. In the 1960s, breeders became tired of the traditional Siamese appearance. There is always a chance, however slight, that a kitten could be born cross-eyed. Certain content that appears on comes from Amazon Services LLC. It is hard to believe, but the cross-eyed trait of Siamese cats is because of their fur color’s unique genetic coding. Some prospective cat owners seek out cross-eyed Siamese because not only because they’re very endearing, but also as they are picturesque of the traditional Siamese cat. Although the cat's eyes are not permanently crossed, traditional Siamese cats must cross them to see straight. This is because their brain is wired incorrectly. To understand and appreciate the cross-eyed defect, cat owners must be familiar with the extensive history of the Siamese. The Siamese cat originated in Thailand, then known as Siam, in the 14th century. While there are many coat types and colors, your cat’s other features are usually more predictable. Crossed eyes is thought to be due to a misrouting of the nerve fibres from the eye to the brain. We will explain everything in this article. She was amazing. So if a Siamese cat's eyes were pointed straight ahead, it's retinas would be looking in different directions, sending a very confused message to the brain. Another feature of Siamese cats is now almost extinct due to continuous selective breeding and line-breeding. When a Siamese cat develops with the genetic condition that leads to cross-eyedness, it means that the center of their retina is partially shifted, which means that they cannot naturally see straight. Thai manuscripts from 14th Century first feature Siamese cats. The hypnotism in their eyes is a reflection of the magic in their eyes. This disruption is the abnormal crossing of vision fibers within the cat’s central nervous system. According to one legend, a group of Siamese cats was tasked with guarding a golden, royal goblet. There’s no doubt that the Siamese breed is gorgeous. Place soft blankets, carpet, or pillows around areas where your cat could fall or slip. I am also the content manager of this blog. link to Why Do Cats Have Black Lips - Is This Normal. These endearing traits were considered undesirable, though, so cat breeders worked on breeding them out of the siamese. In these cats, MORE of the optic nerve crosses than in normal cats (I found several write-ups that say the opposite, even though they cite accurate sources). While their vibrant blue eyes and blooming points of color highlight centuries of breeding expertise, many Siamese cats harbor an apparent defect—crossed eyes. Siamese cat owners often worry about the cat’s well-being because of this condition. Based on Swedish insurance data, which tracked cats only up to 12.5 years, Siamese and Siamese-derived breeds have a higher mortality rate compared to other breeds. The presence of the albino gene in Siamese cats causes some of them to only see straight when their eyes are crossed. Being the oldest domestic feline, Siamese cats are thought to be the father of all house cats. Honestly, it seems to perpetuate the bad idea of unattainable beauty norms. Siamese cats are often born cross-eyed because the eyes are affected by strabismus. While not all Siamese cross their eyes, the ones that do cross them intentionally. You’ll also see it random bred cats too but some people treat the condition as a normal part of the anatomy of this cat breed. The contents are provided ‘as is’ and is subject to change or removal at any time. They aren’t supposed to have crossed eyes. The genes of the Siamese cats are not responsible for this aberration. We are a team of cat owners and writers who love to write about everything related to cats. Siamese cats have crossed eyes because of Strabismus. “Strabismus, or "crossed eyes," is usually caused by an imbalance of extraocular (outside of the eye) muscle tone. According to the tale, the cats dedicated everything to take care of the precious goblet. Almost all Siamese cats have albino genes initially, and as a result, all Siamese kittens are white after birth. However, the place of pigmentation depends on the temperature of the skin. So, with the help of other passionate cat owners, we've put together this helpful resource to help answer all of your most pressing questions about owning cats, taking care of them, and much more. If we have to believe the story connected with the Siamese cats, then it is said that these cats had to guard a golden, royal goblet. Siamese cats' eyes aren't quite crossed, they are slightly squinted. Have a look around and enjoy the content! The eyes of Siamese cats in the past were cross-eyed due to the neurological effects of the lack of pigmentation. Crossed eyes help them in forming a clear image in the brain, and they can see ordinarily. If Siamese cats are bred with such care, then why do some of them still harbor such a noticeable defect? Many Siamese cats have congenital strabismus, meaning they are born with it. © EpicPetClub Have you ever come across the cute nerdy looking cats that are cross-eyed? These are the common reasons why Siamese cats are so vocal: It is their way of seeking attention. When these defects occur, they should be appreciated instead of criticized, as they do not take away from the value of the treasured Siamese. Scientists have found that the white tigers’ retina also shows similar abnormalities of the original Siamese cats. This website is not intended to replace the professional advice of vets. For a long time, many Siamese cats had crossed eyes and crooked, kinked tails. Don’t be worried if the cat you own, or the cat you’d like to adopt, has crossed eyes. As a result, affected cats have to cross their eyes to see straight. Among the cat breeds, Siamese cats are known for being sociable, friendly, and affectionate. Apparently having strabismus (crossed eyes) is connected with the same mutation that makes Siamese cat’s eyes blue. The median lifespan of the Siamese group was somewhere between 10 and 12.5 years; 68% lived to 10 years or more and 42% to 12.5 years or more. A Siamese cat’s crossed eyes do not make them any less astounding! There is an enthralling myth related to the cross-eyed and kinked tail of Siamese cats. We strive to provide the most accurate and helpful information about cats through extensive research and caring for our own fur-pals! It doesn’t mean its owner has bad judgment or lesser taste, either. In Thailand, original Siamese cats still show this unique feature, unlike the cats of the same breed in the west. A small percentage of cross-eyed cats may be … link to Why Do Cats Pee On Plastic - Reason For Concern. Their almond-shaped blue eyes are hypnotizing. This article may include references and links to products and services from one or more of our advertisers. Siamese cats have a form of albinism, and some Siamese cats have a congenital disorder that affects the optic chiasm. It doesn’t hurt, nor does it significantly impact their quality of life if they live primarily indoors. The retina is situated exactly opposite to the iris, which is why we have 20/20 vision. Epic Pet Club is not a medical resource. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. For some of the older-bred Siamese cats, they do have crossed eyes. The albinisms in their genes are responsible for a tilted retina, and that is why they have to cross their eyes to see straight. The blue eye colour is linked to the coat, which is the Siamese pattern or colourpoint. Siamese cats who must cross their eyes in order to see aren’t uncomfortable from doing so. Siamese cats do have some abnormalities with their eyes, and that isn't uncommon. It helps us keep doing our research process and bring value to our readers. Cross-eyed Siamese cats are also just as playful and interactive as Siamese cats who don’t harbor this defect. Though, today breeders have eradicated the crossed eyes in modern Siamese cats with selective breathing. This is my explanation as to why some Siamese cats are cross-eyed or at least it is possibly part of the reason. The breeders have made it hard to find the cross-eyed variation of Siamese cats due to rigorous inbreeding or line-breeding. I, for one, couldn’t help but wonder if they’re in pain or neurologically impaired. blue-eyed Siamese cats found all over the world,,,,,,, In Siamese cats, the eyeballs may deviate inwards towards the nose. Interestingly, this same genetic trait causes the coloration of Siamese. Instead of the fibres splitting left and right, they criss-cross.
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