This is why the festivals have a major impact on the sales of vehicles and electronic items also increase during the festive period. English is also a career languageas man… Why is having the skills to summarize an article so importance? Festivals form an important part our lives. The people visit one another or gather around at a particular place or visit each other, it is also the best time for them to talk over the dinner and chill out in a relaxed environment. •    Festivals teach us to forget our enmity. Required fields are marked *. •    Festivals have many stories, customs, and traditions connected to them. Compose a paragraph of about 150–200 words on how watching excessive television is harmful for our eyes. What Are The Benefits Of An Accountability Partner? It is a wonderful gesture especially from the rich people to give back to the society. That’s why I think festivals are important in our life. Other importance of  festivals are as follows: A festival teaches us to take care of the poor: At festival times a very important charity activities is feeding the poor and giving them alms. It allows you use a touch less paying system at shops, watch live TV, find restaurants near a location or calculate how long it will take you to get home. Importance of Festivals in our Life - Festival is an auspicious day or period of religious or other celebration prevalent in all societies and religious communities. Essay. • We also celebrate festivals to make someone smile. The best thing in Christmas is the sharing of gifts after church, and the love between us that day. Here is why celebrating festivals is important : •    We celebrate festivals mainly to propagate the cultural heritage of nations. This is why there are many Hindu festivals. Now all community peoples celebrate all festival together. Accept and close . While I was writing my exam, I thought to myself. The importance of celebration is directly tied to our happiness. Looking for a house without a television set is like looking for a needle in a haystack. •    We also celebrate festivals to make someone smile. Pendel- und Kronleuchten This increases feelings of brotherhood. Article writing is one of the most creative works, this can be learnt when you get best articles to read. Happy chemicals. Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Family traditions allow us to be intentional with how we utilize our time together with our children. Essays; Cultural Studies; Importance of Culture Essay. Eating out: These days the families rarely have free time left on their hands. The festival forms an auspicious day for everyone and also for other celebrations that are prevalent in every society and religious communities. 6 Tips to Transform the Process of Video Editing Using Artificial Intelligence, importance of solar energy in our daily life. It was interesting to note why people pray and how important it was to them. Graph 2 shows that 30% of people pray for guidance to help them with making decisions in their lives, while 13% pray for comfort or deceased friends and family. •    At festival time the family members, friends, neighbors, and relatives meet together and enjoy the time spent in the company of each other. You have recently participated in a debate competition in your school. During Christmas, Diwali or Eid people tend to purchase gifts not only for each other but also to decorate their homes. Family celebration My family celebrates a lot of events, the best family celebration is Christmas. Advantages and Disadvantages of Television in Our Lives. National holidays are sanctioned by the government to mark the occasion in style. Because culture affects how people behave and interact with each other, it helps you build relationships with others when you understand other cultures and perspectives. Your email address will not be published. Hindu, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians live in harmony and celebrate their festivals with great pomp and show. Or as Esther Hicks puts it, ‘There’s nothing more important than that you feel good’. We suggest reading articles on interesting topics for articles. Amalgamation of people: During the festival, people exchange gifts with one another and celebrate the events together. Here’s How the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Changed Our Lives. Hire verified expert $35.80 for a 2 -page paper. It is a wonderful event that brings happiness to the lives of the people. •    Festival keeps us together. It also provides us with a chance to know better about our culture and each other. India is a land of the festival due to the diverse population with multiple ethnicity and religion. That feeling of too many gifts coming too you in one day makes the holiday very sweet. It is advantageous for our business: It is during festival times that we shop a lot prompting the retail stores so that the shopkeepers can provide us with heavy discounts. It would go a long way in removing animosities from the prejudiced minds and make the world a better place. Importance Of Transportation Essay: ‘I decide to shift my residence from Delhi to Mumbai.I pack the household appliances and hand it over to the railway department for delivery, the commodities of negligible size go via roads and meanwhile I fly my way to the destination’. Writing paints the story of our lives, so others can understand who we are, what we stand for, and how much we have grown. The importance of technology in our lives. God has taught people to love and not indulge in blind hatred, therefore it is vital for them to assimilate the teachings and implement them in real life during the festival. Festivals come in various kinds. It can be a small thing, such as gazing out the window at a patch of green for a … Every year happens something spectacular that makes the holiday better. English serves as a unifying factor for peoplefrom different parts of the world. •    We celebrate festivals in memory of the victory of truth, victory of light over darkness. Being able to understand the language makes it possible for people to live together in love and understanding. 5. 3. Results from a survey conducted with PARADE magazine . English is one of the mostly used languages in the world. If we better understand the time value, then it can gain experience and develop skills over time. You might be surprised to know that we use mathematics every day even without knowing it. 4. A festival helps to enhance our faith in truth. Email. We’re driven to make changes in our lives because we want to feel better, be happier and feel good. The knowledge of English is a very good thing in the present day world. Time can also heal things whether external wounds or feelings. It also helps us to decorate our homes. •    Festivals depict the many different aspects of a society. Importance Of Transportation Essay , Article , Speech , Paragraph Why Transportation Should Necessary ? Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Pinterest. There’s a reason why it feels good when we celebrate success and it’s to do with the neurohappy chemicals in our brain. From dialing numbers on phone to giving money for making the payments, our world is surrounded by mathematics. They are long compositions and can be on any of the topics/ issues- especially the current issues that have captured the attention of the whole world. So let us see what impact this subject has made on our lives. By connecting with the present moment, either through meditation or giving daily gifts, we allow ourselves the opportunity to realize that a gift resides in every moment. Businesses have a gala time during the festival and they especially wait for the occasions to make a sound profit. Literature is a timeless piece of entertainment. Describe an important family celebration and how you felt about it. Festivals are an important part of our life. Since it invention in 1927, the television has found its way into our living rooms and has become part of our lives. •    A festival also helps us to embrace one another in a bond of love. As a matter of fact, the sales of vehicles and electronic items also increase during the festive period. The Internet also have a great way of transforming the world … The survey showed, 31% said formal prayers like the Rosary or Our Father. And when we went over to our Malaysian friend’s home to join her in celebrating Eid, there were many non-Muslims helping her celebrate this important day and, perhaps most importantly, helping her eat her amazing Malay cooking! Time plays a significant role in our lives. Festivals add color to the life and make people aware of their emotional connection with God. Some prefer to watch movies while others dine in multi cuisine restaurants. Taking care of the poor: One of the most important charity activities during the festival is feeding the poor and giving them alms. Festivals are an expressive way to celebrate glorious heritage, culture and traditions. For our Thanksgiving dinner, we had two Americans, one German, one Burmese, and two New Zealanders in our midst. Read more… paragraph writing Honesty is the Best Policy Paragraph Writing in 200 Words Honesty is the Best Policy Paragraph Writing in 200 Words by Essay Writing “Honesty is the best policy” which means, we should remain honest and truthful in our whole life, even in any bad situation.
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