Joining East West in 1996, Kevin leads East West Hospitality’s operations in Hawaii at Mauna Kea as well as Snowmass in Colorado, Tahoe in California and Park City, UT. ! Leaders identified what style they fall under based on the different characteristics of their style, then graphed it out to see how multidimensional their leadership is. Recognizing the weaknesses of your leadership style can help to understand how to build your strengths. North Acting — “Let’s do it”; likes to act, try things, plunge in West Paying attention to detail — likes to know the who, what, when, where and why before acting East Speculating — likes to look at the big picture and the possibilities before acting South Caring — … Ask them to reflect on the three points below: •Review each of the four profiles. Click the Leadership Compass: Appreciating Diverse Work Styles link for details. flipchart page in each of four corners of the room. Note: when the 4 scores are very balanced it is likely you are developing the Wisdom of the Sage $ $$$$$ $$$$$ + ^ # * + = East ^ = South # = West * = North She is the mother of a resilient daughter with special needs. South – Empathy. Direct Under this style of management, the leader leads and all other employees follow in succession knowing both their place and their role. In the process a comparative study of eight personalities (five each from the East and West), comprising nation builders, businessmen, entrepreneurs and politicians, has been done. What are the strengths of your style? Listed below are some scenarios of different leadership styles. By engaging in the facilitated process, participants will gain an understanding of how working styles impact individual approaches to work. The government dropped its fixed fee financing framework and applied this model for the North-South, East-West, Circle and North East lines. Prior to working full-time for the union co-op movement with Mondragon North America/MAPA, she spent 12 years at the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center fostering faith, labor & community partnerships. She hosts delegations from around the country and helps adopt the Mondragon model to the U.S. cultural context. (Scroll halfway down the page to where it says (Results) to read the description of each style. Be sure to have enough newsprint-size paper and markers for each of the four groups. * 6. Under each point, write out the traits associated with each sign, as directed by the Compass Points game: South-Empathy. North, South, East and West: An exercise in understanding preferences in group work NSRF®, Spring 2014 Purpose — To understand a variety of tendencies in group working behaviors. What are the limitations of your style? To prepare, you’ll want to create the four signs – North, South, East and West – in advance and post them on room walls before you begin. north, south, etc.). West – Analytical. Eastern world is comprised of nations in Asia including the Middle East whereas Western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The straight line that connects the first rock with the second rock is the true east–west line, where the first rock represents west and the second rock represents east. North, South, East, West Leadership This week the cohort dove into exploring their leadership style using the North, South, East, West Leadership tool! Many of us have a resting place where we tend to be most comfortable. She is a lifelong Cincinnati resident (except 2 years in El Salvador) and a Xavier graduate. The lowest number is your least preferred style. adjective - It is sunny on the east coast. * 4. I am here, and I am listening. There are tensions that arise between the different directions, and these tensions should be acknowledged. She leads participatory education with co-op workers, helps determine feasibility of potential co-ops, helps co-ops access capital, and helps existing business owners interested in succession determine if selling their business to their employees is feasible. The room is set up with 4 signs on chart paper, one on each wall – North, South, East and West (arranged in the correct relationship to each other). This activity emphasizes that leadership is the process of influencing others and understanding both your style and the style of those you work with will make you a more effective leader. Lead in a different way: If you're going to elevate the importance of connections, you must lead in a … Another Voice: My leadership style equips me to run for City Hall Le’Candice Durham Jan 24, 2021 Jan 24, 2021; 0 ... North, South, East and West. •Stand under the direction for that profile. Title: Compass Points: North, South, East, and West - An Exercise in Understanding Preferences in Group Work: Attribution: Developed in the field by educators. You will relate to aspects of all directions, but choose the one that is most resonant for you. The leader gives directions and may even dole out punishment for poor work or a lack of following orders. He said he’s looking forward to helping the Pirates by sharing some of his experiences. Associated with each of these were the following basic human qualities: power (north) love (south) teaching (west), and vision (east). Introduce the Leadership Compass. Debriefing Questions to wrap up the exercise: Was there a work style that was a really close second to your top one? Small groups will gather in their specified corners. North, South, East and West - Usage. Look at some more example sentences: * 2. East-Vision. The downside is that this type of leadership can seem very domineering to some individuals and may contribute to a lack of employee retention. North – Action. Hence, in this report, Asian leadership is separated into East Asian leadership and South Asian leadership. The Leadership Compass is loosely based on a Native American Indian belief system that was called the medicine wheel. In the Four-Fold Way, the four directions are described as warrior (north), healer (south), teacher (west), and visionary (east). Each person can learn the gifts associated with each direction -- through practice and self-awareness. All directions have profound strengths and potential weaknesses, and every person is seen as capable of growing in each direction. Then spend 15 minutes answering the following questions as a group. (4 adjectives) 3. Approaches to Work/Work Style. After about 20 minutes have them discuss their reflections. The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides funding for up to 24 months for Master's or Doctoral degree study for graduate students from Asia, the Pacific, and the U.S. to participate in the educational, residential, and leadership development programs at the East-West Center while pursuing graduate study at the University of Hawai‘i. Similar to the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory, this exercise uses descriptions of … In order to get an accurate result for "Leadership Style" please go back and answer all the questions. Nurturer (South) 0%. Just as a compass requires all four directions, a strong team requires members from all four directions. 1. Kristen Barker is a social entrepreneur and the President and Co-Founder of the Cincinnati Union Co-op Initiative (CUCI). North, South, East, and West Decide which of the 4 directions most closely describes your personal style. All directions have profound strengths and potential weaknesses, and every person is seen as capable of growing in each direction. I am a generative and creative thinker; I am able to think outside the box. Hand out Leadership Compass cards to each participant. Leadership Style. KEYS TO SUCCESS: Play to strengths in others The LeadeRship Compass seLf-assessmenT, ConTinued North—Action ... East—Vision approaches to Work/Work style I am a visionary who sees the big picture. There are many types of communication styles used in the workplace. East and West may have myriad differences based on culture and education. The uses for medicine wheels varied from tribe to tribe, but generally speaking they were wheel-like structures composed with stones arranged in an outer circle with "spokes" radiating from the center. West-Analytical. Participants take the two personality “quick tests” on pages 2 & 3 to determine their ... What style do you find most difficult to … 2. Downtown Detroit is the city's central business district and a residential area, bordered by M-10 (Lodge Freeway) to the west, the Interstate 75 (I-75, Fisher Freeway) to the north, I-375 (Chrysler Freeway) to the east, and the Detroit River to the south. (4 adjectives) 2. Under each point, write out the traits associated with each sign, as directed by the Compass Points game: ... SouTh # of CheCked Boxes in wEST west—Analytical approaches to Work/Work style The author has attempted to explore historical evidence to seek insights into differences in temperament and ethos between the Eastern and the Western leadership styles. Notice how your leadership style relates to other directions. You don’t have to fall into just one category! Use handouts to facilitate additional discussion about each work style as groups report. Democratic This leadership style is sometim… North-Action. Leadership Compass. In the Four-Fold Way, the four directions are described as warrior (north), healer (south), teacher (west), and visionary (east). You will relate to aspects of all directions, but choose the one that is most resonant for you. In most instances, the four spokes of the medicine wheel were aligned according to the compass directions: north, south, east, and west. Groups report back to large group. Each direction has All directions have profound strengths and potential weaknesses, and every person is seen as capable of growing in each direction. You are an organizer. Just as a compass requires all four directions, a strong team requires members from all four directions. EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship. The Leadership Compass draws from the Native American Indian tradition of the Medicine Wheel or the Four-Fold Way. Leadership Compass Self-Assessment Survey. It is a reflection period on the past to determine what leadership style was used and if a different style would have been better. To find north and south from this point, north will be ninety degrees clockwise from west, and south will be ninety degrees clockwise from east. He has held various controller, general manager, operational, and business development roles in Palm Springs, Kauai, Vail, Big Sky, Steamboat Springs and Breckenridge/Keystone. You like to be in charge and are good at it. Each of the points of the compass (north, south, east, west, south-east, north-west etc) can be: noun - The sun rises in the east. . Add to library 15 » Discussion 14 » Follow author » Share . I like to determine the course of events and be in ... * 3. Leadership styles are complex, and you may use certain forms of leadership more in certain contexts than others. adverb - We drove east for 50 miles. Identify the one with which you most closely identify. The Leadership Compass draws from the Native American Indian tradition of the Medicine Wheel or the Four-Fold Way. In the Four-Fold Way, the four directions are described as warrior (north), healer (south), teacher (west), and visionary (east). * 5. I am usually assertive, active, and decisive. In this North, South, East and West: Compass Points An Exercise in Understanding Preferences in Group Work activity, group members will identify their own working style as well as the working styles of others. Todd Frazier has been around the block. Be sure to have enough newsprint-size paper and markers for each of the four groups. North South East West. East – Vision. ... Visionary (East) 0%. North & West Move fast T al kat i ve En j oy act i on W el come change B ol d T ake ri sks South & East Move slow Li st en wel l Conservat i ve Avoi d change Caut i ous F ol l ow rul es South & West Motivate others So ciabl e Sh un deadl i nes Ad apt abl e A voi d pressure E nj oy Compass Points: North, South, East, and West – An Exercise in Understanding Preferences in Group Work. The four directions are described as warrior (north), healer (south), teacher (west), and visionary (east). Exercise One. Description: Choose what you think is your leadership style: north, south, east, or west. Understanding how others fall onto the NSEW compass can help you to better communicate and interact with people of different leadership styles. The symbol with the next highest number is the secondary style used to complement your primary style. These differences can be noted for the most part in people’s behavior and attitudes. She is currently a BALLE fellow (Business Alliance for Local and Living Economies.) In this belief system, the four directions were described as Warrior, (North), Healer (South), Teacher (West) and Visionary (East). Like a directional compass, the Leadership Compass has four directions, or ways in which people approach work. You are assertive, active and decisive. 1. Ultimately, having a holistic understanding of leadership styles helps the group get what it needs to achieve its goals. To prepare, you’ll want to create the four signs – North, South, East and West – in advance and post them on room walls before you begin. Your Result: Organizer (North) 0%. Many of us work in all of the directions at different times. The Leadership Compass draws from the Native American Indian tradition of the Medicine Wheel or the Four-Fold Way. The Leadership Compass draws from a book called the Four-Fold Way. Personality North South East West ... Report.
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