We’d just go to her . 'Course Lennie's a God damn nuisance most of the time, but you get used to goin' around with a guy an' you can't get rid of him.” ― John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men. Readers first hear of George and Lennie’s farm when George and Lennie arrive in Salinas and spend the night in the woods by the river before starting work at the new ranch. #2: “But you get used to goin’ around with a guy an’ you can’t get rid of him.” #3: “George said wonderingly, ‘S’pose they was a carnival or a circus come to town, or a ball game, . And even though this book by […] Of mice and men written by author John Steinbeck in 1937 is a story of two displaced migrant ranch workers, George Milton and Lennie Small who in search of new job opportunities move from place to place in California during The Great Depression. Le’s do it now. '” (Chapter 1, Page 3) In this quote, Lennie’s hand is metaphorically compared to a paw, likening him to an animal. Match. Write. He is a very large and strong man. . Jus’ say, ‘We’ll go to her,’ an’ we would. . You ain’t so little as mice. In honor of the classic novella’s publication anniversary, the following Of Mice and Men quotes should help you celebrate your greatest friendships. 'Look, George. . A guy needs somebody-to be near him. Look what I done. Early in the novella, George promises Lennie that he will get him a puppy if he gets the chance, saying the puppy would be “better than mice.” So, when Lennie and George overhear Slim talking about his dog’s new litter, Lennie immediately perks up and excitedly asks George to talk to Slim about giving him a “brown and white one.” Created by. We wouldn’t ask nobody if we could. Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. LENNIE. Terms in this set (9) lennie is clumsy 'the follower nearly ran him over' page 3 harmless, unaware. Learn. . For what seems to be the first time ever, someone – Lennie – is trying to be friends with Crooks, a black man who knows all about isolation and discrimination. I just like to know what your interest is. They get wantin' to fight all the time. The image of a large man like Lennie drinking at the pool with his “paw” suggests a large creature like a bear, strong and dangerous but perhaps harmless until provoked. Flashcards. Steinbeck describes him in contrast to George, the other main character: In Steinbeck's novella the writer uses irony when he gives one of his main characters the last name Small. Spell. Of Mice and Men-phrases absolute, appositive, prepositional, participle, infinitive, and gerund “The Gentle Pulverizer” At George’s signal, Lennie grabbed in his huge hand Curley’s fist in mid punch (1) to prevent him from hurting anyone , and held on with a steel grip. Test. Of Mice And Men Lennie Quotes. Lennie is not small. PLAY. itsmayalauren. lennie looks up to george 'imitated george exactly' page 4 What are some quotes that show Lennie is mentally challenged in Of Mice and Men? Not being used to a white man being kind to him, Crooks views Lennie as a threat and becomes defensive. Lennie is afraid that George will be angry at him for killing Curley’s wife and may leave him. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 6. Lennie watched them go. Why do you got to get killed? Le’s get that place now. Gravity. . Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. For George is crushed, he knows his dreams are shattered and he can’t get Lennie out of this one. . STUDY. Jus’ milk the cow and sling some grain to the chickens an’ go to her.‘” George and Lennie have held the title of ‘greatest bromance’ in literature since 1937. of mice and men quotes LENNIE. A couple might be hurtful, but all are said with love. These Of Mice and Men quotes will inspire you to keep working towards that goal, and to seek out the support of others that can help you get through it. If you haven’t read Of Mice and Men, know that this book has several important messages for the reader. But his friend appears strangely calm and quiet.
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