This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There’s a general rule to selecting compatible Glofish tank mates: In short, it depends on which kind of Glofish you have or want. A general rule of thumb with black skirt tetras is – the more the better. GloFish com in Barbs, Tetras, Danios and Rainbow Sharks. But they would likely gobble up all the shrimpletts and even eat juveniles. Those are very ammonia sensitive. So I bought rasboras sp? Now, since I prefer real fish and don’t keep up with what new types they are producing nowadays, I can only say the original glofish, based on zebra danios, have no problem being kept with shrimp. Take a look at the full Glofish compatibility chart here: Did you find what you were looking for? Decor. Small tropical schooling fish from communities such as gouramies, guppies, rasboras, dwarf cichlids and others are a reasonable fit in general. Most shrimp are pretty agile and if they have such a hideout it should not be a problem to avoid the shark. Email. Careful selection of companions in captivity, however, can provide them with a long and happy life. Return the survivors and get your daughter a betta – both she and the fish will be much happier. As with danios, they swim pretty quickly and might make the shrimp nervous. These fish will eat pretty much anything they’re offered, including tropical fish flakes, pellets, algae, and blanched fresh vegetables. GloFish ® Tetras and Danios like to swim in schools of five to seven (or more), while GloFish ® Barbs should be in groups of at least five. Sounds like you put too small a school in too small a tank. I think it may happen because they all must be males. Since you have a very large tank i would think about putting some other fish in. You must log in or register to reply here. This is, however, easily avoidable if you keep them in a school large enough. I can recommend going with a standard 20-gallon LONG as the bare minimum here. Guessing they aren’t. Could you please provide more info on your setup, so that we can figure out a better alternative for you? These are the species genetically modified with “fluorescent genes”. Tankmates to Avoid. I had an pleco that was obviously getting too large (5in) for the tank so I sold him, but now I have an empty bottom on my tank. Therefore I find it necessary to share with you what I’ve found are the best companions for every single type of Glofish. Keep them in groups of at least 6, to suppress their semi-aggressive personalities. I have had regular Tetras and have not had a problem with them eating my shrimp, because I make sure to keep them well fed. They are also schooling fish, which means that they don’t like to be alone. Shop Now. Soon after you get to know them you’ll be able to trust your guts and accurately make general predictions for a good tank mate. Glofish have big mouths, and will suck a whole flake in at the top of your tank seconds after you give them flakes. Anyway, I’m assuming they are either Glo barbs, Glo danios or Glo tetras in which case – yes, you should definitely add a couple more. I would add some bottled beneficial bacteria to make sure that the tank remains cycled and… Read more ». GloFish com in Barbs, Tetras, Danios and Rainbow Sharks. When they form a school they shouldn’t pay attention to other tank mates. As for the shrimp, i would not get more than 6 or so. In terms of nutritional needs, please remember that GloFish® fluorescent fish are the same as their non-fluorescent counterparts. GloFish ® fluorescent fish are tropical freshwater fish and require the same care. Lonely Glo-tetras are known to nip the fins of long-finned fish like bettas or angelfish. After reading this it looks as if I won’t be putting a pleco in if I get a shark, but would some snails/ shrimp be okay with the shark? Snails are totally fine.… Read more ». You can bookmark this page in your browser if you think you’d want to look at it again later. In Aquanswers, Momchil shares knowledge about freshwater and saltwater home aquariums with the people from his community. In my experience, goldfish destroy live plants, so lighting is not as crucial, whatever comes with the tank is good. Learn how your comment data is processed. So we are in the process of setting up a 54 g tank, (we are cycling right now, not quite ready yet my pH is off) we want mostly glo fish, I do love the shark but wanted a small pleco/snails/shrimp too (some not all). I think it depends on how brave they are. When considering tank size for this method mind the square inch measurements of the bottom of the tank, rather than the gallon count. From what I’ve seen a group of 7 is enough for them to only pay attention to themselves. Glo sharks are a little more aggressive in their nature so they should be kept along with other tough or fast fish. I bought 3 more. Provided they are in a group of no less than 5, Glofish tetras would love to hang out with: Glofish danios are quite the active swimmers. That is unless you can provide them with a huge heavily planted tank (aquariums over 100 gallons). Aquarium Kits. Thats the only fish in there. My mum has a 10 Gallon Glofish tank with two Green Glofish Tetras, a Goldfish and two very tiny Otos. GloFish® fluorescent fish come in a variety of species and colors of tropical fish. Centrepiece Fish for 60 litre (15.8 us gals). Hi i have 5.5 gallon glofish aquarium. Good. Yes, the glo-fish are very mellow fish. So I'm converting my 29 gallon into a guppy breeding tank, and I need to get rid of my Amano shrimp for that, cause well they'll eat the fry. But I will not stop here as I know we fish keepers would like our fish to be happy. And both the Glofish and the Guppies will eat shrimp. Two of my, My opinion based on what I have seen with the same. It got a little better. In case that’s still not a big tank at the moment, I wrote a pretty straight-forward guide on understanding the minimum Glofish tank size (click the link for that). How many would you recommend for a 90 gallon tank? Black Skirt tetras (or Widow Tetras) are schooling fish that are comfortable living with others of their kind. On the other hand, these small sharks will get along with schooling fish that prefer roaming the middle to top aquarium space. Vary diet to ensure proper nutritional balance and include foods that are high in carotenoids and beta carotene to help keep their vibrant colors. There is also one of two Ghost Shrimp that were egg laden when we bought a batch to be Eel food, and so we let her live in my mum's tank. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. tank. Not pointing fingers here, just trying to find the reason behind the situation. Plecos and loaches, for example, may be large enough to not get eaten but they will become stressed from the chasing. They should still be kept with caution though. What variety/ combo can I do without overcrowding. Whenever the school is not large enough this species can become aggressive. Neon tetras are a schooling fish. You’ve been enjoying the magnificence of your Glofish for some time, but now you’ve decided to add some diversity to the picture. I am recommending that you house them with slightly larger fish as Glo-barbs will be less likely to attack and chase. neon& cardinal tetras aren’t hardy fish& they aren’t a fish used in glow-fish tank+ they require a school of no less than 12! I couldn’t quite understand what type of Glofish do you have? This will help them survive and thrive, since this is a tropical fish. The 3 types of shrimp will be fine while the goldfish are young, but will probably be eaten when they grow larger. Keep in mind that danio Glofish are super active and would prefer a long tank. If you’re aiming at Glofish tetras you should acquire at least 5 of them. Hey, Sandy! I have a 30 gallon tank (50 gallon filter) with 6 glofish, 3 Zebra danios, and 6 neon tetras (soon to be 10). My tetras tormented them and ate them so I definitely won’t be getting them again. Cherry shrimp actually get bigger than most of the boraboras. However, in the past, I’ve witnessed fish tanks that have both and there were no issues present. Give any fish tank a hint of vibrant color – or add even more interest to a GloFish aquarium and … I now have 5 and 3 zebra danios. My water is good. Fish Lore's aquarium forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! You must understand glofisb is a trademark name for real species of fish that are genetically modified to glow artificially. Avoid keeping them with anything long-finned such as bettas, goldfish or long-fin tetras. aggression? They are really colorful and stay near the top of the tank. Glofish are schooling fish that do best in groups of at least 8, which would require a 20 gallon or larger. Here are some well-fitting tank mates for your Glofish barbs: Glo-sharks (same as their non-glowing counterparts, the Rainbow sharks) can be really aggressive and are very territorial. Well my glo fish tetras and angelfish won’t even notice each other but they quarrel against their same species! If it’s not the shark you’re after, then you should, in all cases get at least 5 of the same species. I would be concerned the beta would eat the shrimp. Thank you! Hello Momchil, i have 6 tetras i just bought a 36 gallon tank so please tell me i want to add fish but i want your opinion first.What fish will work best and not kill the fish i have now? Hi, angelfish can get aggressive during mating periods, yet they are also stressed by fast swimmers so I did not want to list them and risk it. For example, can Glofish live with goldfish without tearing each other apart? GloFish sharks are omnivores, eating algae, plant matter, and some meaty protein. If you have plenty of hiding spots for your shrimp, you would have a much better chance of your shrimp thriving. Help/Advice. The temperament of the Glofish barbs varies so if you’re lucky enough to get the more peaceful ones – a school of 5 may be appropriate. I’m aware of that, however, I would not risk it as rainbow sharks are overall aggressive by nature. GloFish Tiger Barb tank is to get them accustomed to having the tank temperature about 75 degrees. It has … Don’t overstock your aquariums and provide your Glofish with no less than 15 gallons of habitat, but my personal advice is that you buy the biggest tank you can afford. To go with my Glo fish tetras today. However, not all beauties of the water world want to be part of that. Momchil has had his fair share of aquarium care in the past 13 years. Small community fish are perfect as companions. Literally. This means it could be a number of different types of fish. Glofish are fin nippers, and would rip the fins of the Guppies to shreds. Tell me, who did you pick? From bettas and danios to tetras, barbs and even sharks - all are brilliant under white LEDs and their color dazzles under blue LEDs! Fresh and frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and more make nutritious foods for your GloFish shark. Avoid housing them with other bottom-dwellers, no matter what you’re being told at the fish store. Glofish are danios and tend to nip at long flowy fins, like those of betas. Guppies have a minimum tank size of 10 gallons. Should I add a couple more glofish to see if that will stop the. They also said that you should have a minimum tank size of 15-20 gallons, or.the shark may become aggressive. There is plenty of fish that will compliment your Glofish in a peaceful manner, as long as you go by a couple of very simple rules. Is the neon light to bright for the fish or something? The glofish is fighting with the danios now. Only the shrimp would do well in a 5 gallon tank. On the whole, Glo Danios will enjoy the company of other fast swimming community fish and so will Glo tetras. Attn: Glofish Spectrum Brands Pet, LLC 3001 Commerce St., Blacksburg, VA 24060-6671 1.800.526.0650 Thank you for this great info and awesome chart! They don't eat CRS babies or at least no one has seen them in the act. By definition, the Glofsh shark is somewhat a bottom-dweller. If you would like to have one make sure its tank mates don’t go near the aquarium’s bottom, which will most likely be “claimed” by the shark as its territory. Yes, they are glo danios. All but 2 died. They will restlessly dash through the aquarium. Mind that by adding 3 more your tank will become a little overstocked, so do pay attention to your weekly water changes. According to the people at Glo-Fish, you can have a shark with the other Glo-Fish tetras. Of course, if possible to you, go for a 40-gallon long would be better, because… Read more ». Amano Shrimp and Glofish Danios. It is important to keep the tank as cool as possible, because the water temperatures of tropical fish tend to be a lot cooler than those of the freshwater variety. JavaScript is disabled. Is there more active fish that can with stand that really bright blue light? Here’s a list of Glofish danio tank mates that will ensure a happy aquarium: The Glofish tiger barb is a well-known fin nipper. They will “claim” parts of your aquariums such as artificial caves and tunnels. All you need is a filter suitable for the size of the tank. There are 4 types of Glofish so far – black skirt tetra, zebra danio, tiger barb and the rainbow shark. A school would mean 5 or more Glofish in your case. Putting other members from the aquarium shark “crew” with a Glo-shark is, again, not at all recommended. Though compatible, some tank mate choices could be better than others. Just be sure the water temperature requirements of each species match. Tetras, silver dollars, loaches, cory cats, bamboo or algae eating shrimp, plecos, guppies, platies, mollies are all … A 2011 study established that transgenic (genetically modified) fluorescent fish are more vulnerable to predators in the wild. They still seem rough with each other especially when the light is on. ), To be completely honest with you, logic suggests that a rainbow shark will not go well with shrimp. It's best to keep your neons and ghost shrimp with other small, peaceful fish. Aggressiveness can be significantly reduced if you keep them in a school though. Combine ghost shrimp and neon tetras only with other small, peaceful fish, as anything aggressive or predatory can eat or bully these species easily. Is your tank cycled? What happens in one tank, may not happen in another. A Guide (+ Chart) to Choosing Glofish Tank Mates | Aquanswers I put 5 neons (those neon tetra fish) in there for my daughter. Choosing good tankmates for Glofish-based aquariums usually results in a fairytale-like aquascape. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates and other affiliate advertising programs, designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to or other websites of the like. Thanks for your feedback and happy to help. Anything that fits in moutg and a shrimp colony most likely would not build. Are there general rules to follow when coming up with a companion? I see or “ don’t see” angel fish listed as compatible so I’m You won't need a heater either. They seem like mini, colorful sharks when given food. The modification only concerns the color of the fish. They were super small.. and lasted about an hour in the tank the poor things. I just upgraded to a 29gal. 2. I have 4 danios, 2 glo fish,2 mollies, a zebra loach, and a bristlenose. The Fancy Guppy catches some flak from experienced aquarists, but it’s a winning combination with your shr And I also have some danios I need to kick out, cause a parasite thinned my school out and the only other tank I have is a 5 gallon. MINIMUM PURCHASE OF $54.00 IN TOTAL GLOFISH® PRODUCTS REQUIRED TO ORDER THIS PRODUCT * The GloSnail is a live aquatic Nerite snail (Neritina natalensis). Schooling fish will become aggressive and depressed if they’re forced to live a solitary life. Once you upgrade the danios to the 15g, you can move your beta to the 5g by himself or with some snails. Would glofish tetras eat cherry shrimp? other members from the aquarium shark “crew”, Rubber Lipped Pleco: Care and Species Guide for Beginners, Essentials When Looking After a Hammerhead Coral (+Tips). I don’t want to max my tank, but want a decent “show” and the hubby is stuck on… Read more », Hi Ambrielle (cool name! Glofish specific care guidelines are as follows: ... Food: Provide tropical fish flakes (one flake per fish per day) and once in a while supplement brine shrimp for food. During this time he has made MANY mistakes and thus learned A LOT. Bear in mind that peaceful bottom-dwellers such as loaches and plecos should not be put along a Glo shark. That’s unfortunate… I’d assume that you either keep your fish tank somewhat overstocked (not enough space for the fish to school freely), or the school of tetras was too small (anything under 7). All they do is hide and 3 died in a month. The key here is to provide dense live vegetation on which the shrimp will hang out together. At least that was the case when I saw it and spoke to the owner of that tank. The experts at your local pet shop can demonstrate good feeding practices as well as suggest food options for your fish. I want to add 3 to 4 ghost shrimp but I'm not sure if I should with the danios/glofish. Have a look at a list with suitable Glofish shark tank mates below: As you can tell 3 of the 4 types of Glofish are schooling fish. Probably not eat a full grown shrimp, with good cover. Contact Us. Betas are slower moving and can't escape the quick moving danios. I have a 10 gallon planted tank with 3 planted plants and a moss ball with 2 blue gouramis 2 glofish danios a pleco and I just recently got like 10 ghost GloFish Tanks and Accessories Create an eye-catching aquarium with GloFish tanks, kits and accessories, like lights, gravel and décor - as well as vibrant glow in the dark fish! Flaked food and live food such as This means that their typical distinctive behavior remains the same as their non-glowing counterparts. Below you can see my 4 hour-long effort to craft a detailed chart where you can check compatible mates on the go. GloFish.
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